Birth Doula Service  

Bump & Birth Package  


Bump Education Package, plus:

- Free consultation call to get to know me and discuss how I can best support you during your birth

- Birth pool hire and access to antenatal educational resources
- Continuous text/ scheduled telephone support until your birth
- Birth plan template and planning session
- On- call period from 10 days before your estimated due date until you give birth 
- 1 postnatal debrief home visit within the first 2 weeks (3 hours)

Bump, Birth & Beyond Package  


Bump & Birth Package, plus;
- 1 additional in-person antenatal session (5 in total)
- Birth pool hire, TENS machine hire and other birth support tools

- Continuous text/ scheduled telephone support until 6 weeks after the birth
- 3 additional postnatal visits to get additional feeding support, discuss baby care or just anything else you might feel you need (3 hours each)
- Nutritious snacks or meal plans to support your recovery and adjustment to parenthood